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Downtown Hendersonville
About Downtown Hendersonville, Inc.
Celebrating our 20th Anniversary
as a Main Street Community!
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Downtown Hendersonville, Inc., is a nonprofit association of merchants and friends of Hendersonville’s Downtown Commercial District. It’s purpose is two-fold.
First, it is dedicated to the promotion and marketing of Hendersonville’s Downtown both as an historic district and as a commercial center.
Second, since 1985, DHI has been the administrative sponsor of Hendersonville’s Main Street Program, the National Trust for Historic Preservation’s program to revitalize the nation’s central business districts through historic preservation, attention to downtown design, thoughtful recruitment of appropriate businesses, and promotion of the downtown district. Hendersonville is one of 45 Main Street Programs in North Carolina and enjoys a seat on the Board of Directors of the Greater Hendersonville Chamber of Commerce.
DHI employs an Executive Director to oversee the day-to-day operations of the organization. Contact Us